Web Design Projects

  • Hero Image with Contact Button

  • Bio Section

  • Corporate Validation Section

  • Contact Form

The process

The aim of the site was to provide a web landing page for prospective business leads to reach out to the company and make contact. After gaining an extensive understanding of the company and the aims of the site I felt confident in moving into the later stages of the site design straight away. First I created the desktop design followed by a responsive mobile version.

The design

I immediately moved to high-fidelity renderings as time was limited I created imagery of the product for the site, created the copy and commissioned a short video demonstrating the product journey from bottling to the consumer. The site in as concise a way as possible provided an understanding of the product and its founders. Hero image leads to the bio section, leading to corporate information then the contact form.

Visit the website here

Fulla Juice

The idea

This fruit juice business required an online presence to help funnel prospective business leads to an easy-to-use contact form. The website has to provide an authentication aspect for the brand and give an insight into the background of the company. The budget and timeline were limited. The UX had to be simple and not overcomplicate the need of the user was simple, to get in touch with the company quickly.

45 Degrees North Chalet Company

The client required a responsive website where users could browse chalet options and book holidays. They also needed a website platform that they could manage once handed over.

I used Squarespace as the platform and after some user research designed a user experience that offered easy navigation through the site. The previous sight was designed by the client, it was extremely busy and difficult to navigate.

The previous site had many pages overloaded with information. After user research, I was able to determine exactly what a user wanted to know and create a more simplistic journey. The design minimises clicks and essentially tries to be as intuitive as possible to maximise the user experience.
Visit the site here

Alpine Italy Travel Club

The client required a fully-responsive website that offered a well-organised format that made navigating through a large volume of options as easy as possible. The content volume was unavoidable so I set about making the user experience intuitive.

Using a funnel system of options through drop-down menus meant that users could get to their desired information quickly. Enabling a search option for the site also meant users could get key information if they knew what they wanted.

I used WordPress to build the site as it offered the preferred payment platforms for the client’s users and more bespoke capture forms. The clients wanted the ability to login in and manage bookings and content so I created tutorial resources to for them to refer to for specific editing actions.
Visit the site here
